Sunday, August 24, 2008


To most of the people in any country, capitalism is a kind of religion. That capitalism is essential to the happiness and well being of the general population is taken as an article of faith. The very idea that someone would question its basic tenets is considered heretical. Such heretics are quickly marginalized by the people in the mainstream, if not completely shunned. So though many may agree with the thoughts in this blog, you would never see any of them expressed in the mainstream media.

The thoughts and ideas in this page are not original. Most of them have been borrowed from various writers and political commentators from the web or been read from articles.

Also before you proceed. SIO would like to mention that it does not think much of Capitalism and so are Communism and Socialism. SIO wants to brings an alternative for all these systems. If nothing else, we should at least recognize capitalism for what it is - a predatory economic system based on greed and selfishness, rather than think of it as God's gift to mankind as it is often made out to be.

The economic caste system

Any society has historically been divided into the propertied (One who owns property) class and the non-propertied class. With a little bit of luck, there was always the opportunity for a member of the non-propertied class to work hard and eventually join the other class. The capitalistic thinking has made it all but impossible for the non-propertied to enter the propertied class. Blue collar workers who could formerly relatively easily buy a home and enter the propertied class will no longer be able to do so in the capitalistic economy. Those in the service industry and the working poor can not afford to even think about it.

The classes have become so separated by the work they do, the company they keep and the neighbourhoods they live in, that they more and more resemble a caste system - a caste system determined by birth and circumstance rather than any other merit or qualification.

This 'caste system' consists of six basic castes - four working castes and two non-working ones:

The first Non-working Caste
  • Those who don't (cannot) work [The Outcasts] -the uneducated, unemployable, addicts, handicapped poor, elderly poor. Many of these outcasts are minorities or in jail.
The Working Castes
(Group 1). Those who work primarily with their hands [Unskilled manual workers] - minimum wage, service industry (most of these are barely making it) .
(Group 2). Those who work primarily with their hands [Skilled manual workers] - blue collar workers, trades people etc (many of these are insecure and constantly worried that they may fall into 1)
(Group 3). Those who work primarily with their heads [White collar, mental workers] - office workers, engineers, first line supervisors, journalists, teachers, academicians, other professionals etc (many are struggling to get into 4, shocked when they fall into 1).
(Group 4). Those who work primarily with their mouths [Management, verbal workers] - managers (middle and upper), newspaper/magazine editors, politicians, independent business owners, self-employed lawyers and doctors etc. These often imagine that they rule the world without acknowledging (or even realizing) that they have been bought and paid for the other non-working caste.
The Second Non-working Caste
  • Those who don't (don't need to) work [The CAPITALISTS] - Some of these actually do choose to work, but their income is primarily 'unearned' and comes from their invested capital. They essentially live off the labor of 1 through 4. (Owning a few stocks does not make you part of this group, it should be the principal source of your income.) The capitalists' main job is to remain invisible (unless they are politicians) and use their power and influence (they own the media as well as government leaders - both elected and appointed) to keep the four working castes suspicious and distrustful of each other and together learn to hate the other non-working group or some foreign threat ('evil empire', terrorists, drug traffickers, immigrants etc.).
There is of course some overlap, the very top people in (group 4) also belong to the capitalists group. These, who do work, are directors and CEO's of corporations, rich politicians, regents of universities, bankers etc. Even when they work, their income is principally 'unearned', i.e. derived from capital which utilizes other people's labor to generate wealth. In the case of CEO's and directors of corporations even their salaries and perks are disproportionately large compared to the actual work they do.

The caste you become a member of is primarily determined by the caste of your parents. Sometimes with luck and hard work, you can climb into a caste higher than your parents', but this is becoming more difficult everyday. By the time you are in your late twenties, your caste has been determined for life. Most of the mobility that exists after that is between castes three and four. Members of three are the only ones who can move up in the caste hierarchy within their own lifetimes. (Professional sportsmen, musicians and other performers are of course rare exceptions).

This possibility of upward movement, is the main reason that group three which consists of the intelligentsia of society, helping to form public opinion and initiating changes in society, remains loyal to the system. (The other reason is of course, that they may even be thrown out of the one they are in, as occurred in the McCarthy days.) They are busy trying hard to get into the managing group and dream of the wealth and prestige that they would acquire by moving into that apparent ruling class and eventually into the actual source of power which is that of the capitalists.

As for the other castes, the very things that would help them to move up - affirmative action, student loans, affordable colleges are constantly under attack, making the caste system ever more difficult to break out of. Instead there are things like school vouchers, regressive taxes (especially payroll taxes), crime and drug infested neighbourhoods that ensure that the next generation will remain in the same caste or fall even further if that is possible.

Nice to see that you have read upto here. If u are reading this then you are most likely not to be a Capitalist. As Capitalist arrange others to read such stuff for them. You are probably into group 1 through 4 and most likely to be in group 3

Friday, August 15, 2008

capitalism -slavery and ignorance



Capitalism is based on the concept that economics is that which examines man's needs, which are unlimited and how to satisfy these unlimited needs. The system depends upon the separation of church and state or in other words, the separation of the Creator from life's affairs. The concept of freedom plays a major role in the Capitalist ideology. Freedom is guaranteed by the state, therefore, man is totally free to satisfy his needs in any manner possible as long as he does not legally infringe on the freedom of others. One needs only to look onto the streets around us to see the devastating results of this form of system. It is because of the freedom of satisfying needs that the pornography and alcohol/drug industry are two of the biggest profit making businesses in the Capitalist system. Is this the type of society in which we want to live and raise our children?Capitalism is also based on the theory of relative scarcity. This means that there always has to be a real or as in the majority of cases, a forces insufficiency of commodities to meet the needs of the people. This is not in keeping with the reality life. Today, there are more than enough goods and commodities to satisfy the needs of everyone, but because this in fact, contradicts the principle of relative scarcity, some people are left without the fulfillment of their basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing while others seem to have too much of one or more. This theory divides the society such that a small percentage of people hoard almost all the wealth while the rest of society struggles to have a home and food.Capitalism Increases PovertyWe all know that world hunger and world poverty are paramount problems for our young generation to address. What could be more problematic than the systematic denial of basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and clean drinking water? What’s irking is that these basic needs could be provided for all, yet still there are billions of people in this world who continue to suffer from poverty and malnutrition. In my talk this evening I hope to convey to you, number one, the seriousness of these problems; two, to explain from a class conscious perspective explain why these problems exist, and three, what can be done, since yes, there is a solution.First, I’d like to elaborate on the seriousness of poverty today. Right now there are more than 3.1 billion people in the world living on less than $2 a day. Another telling fact is that the net worth of the 358 richest billionaires is equal to the combined income of the poorest 45% of the world’s population. 45% translates into 2.3 billion people! Nearly a billion people in just the Third World are landless or have too little land available to them to feed their households. In the advanced countries, 100 million people live below the poverty line, 5 million of them without homes.Closer to home, here in the United States, the income disparity is now the widest it has been since the 1929 stock market crash and it is continuing to grow. These previous examples illustrate the unequal distribution of wealth, an irreversible symptom of the ailing capitalist system. Capitalism is characterized by perpetuated poverty that results from, among other attacks on the working class, workers’ wage cuts, an increase in the cost of living without an increase in minimum wage and layoffs, all motivated by capitalism’s drive for profit profit. Remember, the income disparity continues to grow, so it’s true that, as the old saying goes, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.But, one may ask, doesn’t the government provide poor and hungry people with social programs such as welfare and health care? Yes and no. Programs exist, but they were never adequate and the capitalists cutting federal funding for these benefits and this makes many people feel hopeless and angry. Yet, their sentiment is quickly pacified when a somber and seemingly sincere politician is quoted, “that there isn’t enough in the budget to cover these benefits for the poor.”This is entirely false. Did you know that “wealthfare” for the rich costs us about 3.5 times as much as the $130 billion we spend each year on welfare for the poor? And since the publication of that figure, the 1996 welfare “reform” bill has cut that amount of money given out for welfare dramatically. We weren’t able to end poverty before the welfare reform bill, so how does one expect the poor to feed themselves and get out of poverty when there is even less money and less social programs spent than before?So where are the priorities of the United States, the wealthiest, and supposedly, the most benevolent and free of nations? Taking a look at where the majority of U.S. subsidies end up we can see a telling reflection of those priorities. A total of $327 billion a year is spent on the military for example. Of course the argument goes that the military provides semi-decent jobs, but let’s look at what $1 billion can do when spent on the military compared to more socially beneficial purposes. $1 billion to the military created 25,000 jobs. If that same figure were spent on social programs it could create 30,000 jobs in mass transit, 36,000 jobs in housing, 41,000 jobs in education or 47,000 jobs in health care.U.S. military spending is far from the best solution for the Third World as well. And while countries that are made are made subordinate to the U.S. by having their cities and coutnrysides bombed and destroyed end up needing their infrastructure rebuilt, this is a very double edged sword in terms of creating jobs to say the least. But the U.S. doesn’t just utilize the weapons they make; they sell them and are in fact the largest seller of weapons in the world. These weapons are used by U.S. puppet governments in other countries to ensure the poor are kept poor, subordinate, landless and hungry.Let me give you a good example of what I mean. During the 1950s in Nicaragua there was a cotton bonanza. Campesinos who worked the land to grow crops and feed their families were forced off their land. When they resisted, the Somoza dictatorship’s National Guard burned their homes and crops. None other than the U.S. Marines set up the Nicaraguan National Guard. Why? In order to secure a highly profitable market at the expense of land that provided Campesinos both with life giving food and some money from the corps they grew to sell. This, once again, is the nature of capitalism, folks. They compromise the meeting of basic human needs to ensure an increased profit.Another product of capitalism that sinks countries further into poverty is the policies of the IMF and World Bank. These institutions are intended to smooth world commerce by reducing foreign exchange restrictions and tariffs, among other things. By using its funds to bail out governments that are confronting problems these bastions of capitalism ensure that trade can continue with minimum interruption. Basically, money is lent to these bankrupt countries, which are already deeply in debt, and place as conditions for these loans economic restructuring that involves cutting or eliminating food and social programs for the poor and hungry.I hope I’ve shown that the system of capitalism is exploitative and oppressive. That only the rich benefit from this system while the poor are further trampled under its heel. From all of this we can surely deduce that it is, above all, not a democratic system. It does not represent the interests of the majority, because the majority are the poor and hungry. This is just is. According to Joseph Collins of Food First, the root cause of hunger isn’t scarcity of food or land; rather, it’s a scarcity of democracy! Democracy has everything to do with hunger because democracy carries with it the principle of accountability. Democratic structures are those in which people have a say in decisions that affect their well being. Leadership can be kept accountable to the needs of the majority. The U.S., the world’s self-appointed policeman, has lacked the fundamentals of democracy from the beginning. Alexander Hamilton, one of our founding fathers, went so far as to say “the mass of people seldom judge or determine right,” and therefore “a permanent body composed of the rich and well-born should check the imprudent of democracy.” There are examples, though of how this unfair and unjust state of affairs has been overcome to benefit the poor and huddled masses of hungry and homeless. Here is how a revolution overcame poverty and hunger. In 1959, the Cubans defeated the U.S. backed Batista dictatorship. And afterward, they threw off the chains of capitalism with a socialist revolution. After the revolution, Cuba is still considerably less wealthy than its neighbor 90 miles north, but through a planned socialist economy, according to a Food First report, all citizens are guaranteed enough rice, pulses, oil, sugar, meat and other food to provide them with 1,900 calories a day. And this is the face of the ongoing U.S. embargo against Cuba.
Posted by sio at 3:32 AM

Monday, August 4, 2008

darwinism is a false!!!

Darwinism has deceived the world for around a century and a half and has attempted to indoctrinate people with materialist philosophy using hoaxes and lies. HARUN YAHYA’S ATLAS OF CREATION HAS ANNOUNCED THE DEMOLITION OF THIS FALSE THEORY, which for years convinced people that life forms were descended, by chance, from other forms.
The Turkish public came to see this reality with enormous joy and excitement, following which and by virtue of Atlas of Creation, the people of Europe who had for so long been subjected to materialist and Darwinist indoctrination, also came by the opportunity of seeing the true facts. The way that all of Europe has become acquainted with Atlas of Creation and the declaration of the fact that living creatures have remained unchanged for millions of years and that evolution is devoid of any scientific worth have led to a major change of belief among the people of Europe. Independent polls conducted by well-known publishing institutions in different European countries have revealed a major drop in the numbers of people believing in Darwinism and that belief in Allah now dominates Europe.
Some survey findings from across Europe are:
FRANCE/ Science Actualités / 16 February 2007Following the major impact of the distribution of Atlas of Creation in France, the French website Science Actualités carried out a public opinion poll. The results of the survey showed that Darwinism has been annihilated in France. According to the findings, set out under the caption “Your Views on Evolution,” revealed that 92% of the public no longer believe in evolution.
GERMANY / Die Welt / 17 April 2008 Darwinism has also been demolished in Germany, which now says, “Allah Created Life.” The German daily Die Welt, one of the countries most important publications, conducted a poll about Creation on its website. Eighty-six percent of the participants responded to the question “How do you think life came into being?” by saying “Allah created it.”
DENMARK / Ekstra Bladet / 29 June 2007The Danish People No Longer Believe in Evolution.
According to the results of a survey conducted on its web site by the daily Ekstra Bladet, one of Denmark’s highest-circulation publications, “Danes no longer believe in evolution." Asked “Do You Think That Human Beings Are Descended from Apes?”, 88% of the Danish public answered “No.”
GERMANY / Süddeutsche Zeitung / 8 July 2007According to a poll in Germany, the public no longer believe in evolution. The findings appeared under the caption “Evolution – no, thanks?”.
According to a poll regarding whether or not evolution actually happened that appeared on the web site of Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany’s main dailies, the level of those believing that human beings are the work of a Creator stands at 87%.
SWITZERLAND / Blick / 4 May 2007According to a survey in Switzerland, the public say that “Creation should be taught.”
The level of people believing in the fact of Creation stood at 85% in a poll conducted on the web site of Blick, one of Switzerland’s widest-read newspapers.
What the findings of the polls, a few of which are cited above, make crystal clear is this: ATLAS OF CREATION HAS HAD AN EXPLOSIVE IMPACT ON THE ENTIRE WORLD.
In the face of the scientific evidence people have now abandoned belief in the fraud of evolution. They now realize that Darwinism is a deception being kept alive for ideological reasons.
In the wake of the facts set out in Atlas of Creation, people have now come to see that all living creatures are brought into being by the will and at the command of our Lord, Allah. That is what the poll results show.